
The I AM Collective is a female-owned and led Dance Company + creative agency based in London. We specialise in all things dance, creativity, movement direction, choreography, branding, advertising and events. Coming from a professional dance background, our founder Olivia Beckford understands both sides of the creative coin. From being a dancer to hiring dancers, influencer activation, working with a budget, directing movement on set and teaching dance, she’s done it all! Through a combination of our teams’ skill sets, we have now devised the collective into 3 parts to make it simple and easy for you to get involved. The first is our dance school which runs every Saturday on a quarterly basis, we provide classes for ages 3 +, everyone is welcome at IAM and we look forward to dancing with you! The second is our creative agency where we connect brands and companies with well-known creators to produce phenomenal promotional results! The third is our tailored creative networking events running once every month. Our aim is to connect like-minded people and provide a space for creatives to expand their network and find new ways to develop their creative professions. Our ethos at IAM is that you can be anything that’s why we left the space blank... I AM READY what are you?



The I AM Collective is a female-owned and led Dance Company + creative agency based in London. We specialise in all things dance, creativity, movement direction, choreography, branding, advertising and events.

Coming from a professional dance background, our founder Olivia Beckford understands both sides of the creative coin. From being a dancer to hiring dancers, influencer activation, working with a budget, directing movement on set and teaching dance, she’s done it all. 

Through a combination of our teams’ skill sets, we have now divided the collective into two parts to make it simple and easy for you to get involved. The first is our dance school which runs every Saturday quarterly, we provide professional dance training for ages 7 + for intermediate to advanced level dancers.  

The second is our creative agency where we supply dancers for everything industry-based, from music videos and commercial campaigns to artist performances. We have an up-to-date grasp of social media and use our expertise to coordinate specialised promotional campaigns.

We also have our tailored creative networking events running once every month. We aim to connect like-minded people and provide a space for creatives to expand their network and find new ways to develop their creative professions.

Our ethos at IAM is that you can be anything that’s why we left the space blank…I AM READY what are you?